Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Obama is the Presidential Candidate of the Democratic Party

It's a truly historic day for the people of the United States and the world. Obama's nomination as the Democratic contender for the president of the United States mark s a new beginning in many respects.
He is young, intelligent, well educated and well spoken, and he is the first African American to be a presidential candidate. He represents hope and change for a country that seemed to forget it's fundamental principles.
Remarkably, he has shown on many occasions on the campaign trail that he understands and respects these founding principles of the nation. Those principles, conceived by a few brave and intelligent white man, have the remarkable quality to envision a future not as yet on the thinking horizon of their authors. They had the fantasy and the will to think beyond their own social, religious and racial existence. They thought, what if..., and so have created the perhaps best possible of the systems on earth.
It is now up to Obama, the Democratic Party and the voters to complete this historic reinvention of a nation. America will certainly benefit from the change as will the world. Those of us who live here know that United States is a better place than it's image around the world suggests.

Change is possible, and it doesn't need to be one towards bad........


Doubting Thomas said...

Yes, I share your enthusiasm for Obama. I'm so thrilled he was able to edge out Hilary. To me, and I think to the young voters who are voting for him in droves, he symbolically represents the promise of a post racial tomorrow; and concretely he is our best hope to end this horrible Iraqi war. Change is not just possible, it is inevitable.

Faieq Zarif said...

Thank you for the time you took to read my blog, and for the comments.
The point I was making with "few brave an intelligent white man" is exactly what z suggests: the founding fathers, specially Jefferson, went way out of their way to conceive of system beyond their given reality. If that is not imagination at its best, I don't know what it could be called. They were raised in a Christian, male dominated and racially preoccupied environment, yet they had the imagination to draft a document, and to establish a system that inherently included future chances and promises.
Obama is that chance to be taken and that promise to be fulfilled.